Home Scholarships


Educational institutions have various scholarship programs for students. These are scholarships from the Government of the Russian Federation, various charitable foundations, as well as individuals.

Universities in Russia also offer various financial support programs. Today in Russia there are about 740 universities, where thousands of foreign students study.

The higher education system in Russia provides many opportunities for foreign students to receive a quality education and build a successful career.

Government scholarships for international students

Some categories of foreigners, compatriots living abroad and migrants can apply for budget places at Russian universities on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to go through a competitive selection (pass the Unified State Exam or entrance exams).

In addition, every year the Russian Government allocates a guaranteed number of budget places (state scholarships) for the education of foreigners in higher educational institutions of the country (30,000 places were allocated in 2023).

Foreign students with higher education undergoing internships under additional professional education programs (professional retraining or advanced training) are not paid a monthly stipend, but are provided with a place in the dormitory of the educational institution.

The selection of foreign applicants is carried out by Rossotrudnichestvo through a network of its representative offices, as well as through Russian embassies abroad.

State scholarship includes:

  • Free training for the entire period in the chosen specialty
  • Monthly stipend (during the entire period of study, regardless of the candidate’s success)
  • Providing a hostel (if the university has premises)

State scholarship does not include:

  • Payment for travel to the university
  • Living expenses
  • VHI policy (voluntary health insurance)

How to take part in a competition for a state scholarship

  1. Announcements about the beginning of the selection are usually published on the websites of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office (“Appendix 1.pdf”) or the Russian Embassy in your country (“Appendix 2.pdf”).
  2. The number of budget places for studying foreigners in Russian universities allocated to a particular country depends on the nature of its cooperation with Russia. Agreements have been concluded with some states that determine not only the number of budget places, but also the specialization of training.

    * A single operator in a foreign country is: a representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo; representative of Rossotrudnichestvo at the Russian Embassy; Russian Embassy.

  3. In the form, indicate: personal information (full name, date of birth, country of residence, email address and contact phone number - to receive information about the progress of consideration of your application); profession, specialty or area of training (you can change the chosen one before passing the qualifying tests); your level of education; degree of Russian language proficiency.

    You can choose up to 6 universities where you would like to study (from those available within the quota), but no more than three in one federal district, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - no more than two in each city. Please indicate the university you like most first, then in descending order of preference.

    You will also need: a copy of your passport (valid for at least 18 months from the date of planned arrival in the Russian Federation) or birth certificate; copies of documents on education and (or) qualifications obtained in a foreign country.

    All of the above can be provided in paper form to a single operator.

  4. Depending on the country, a single operator may publish a test schedule on its website or send out a newsletter. Check the information at the office of your single operator.

    The tests are carried out by a working group. Based on the results, a general list of qualifying tests is formed, containing information about all participants and their results.

  5. The information is published on the official website of the single operator in your country or can be sent to applicants (check with the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office for the method of receipt).

    Applicants who do not know the Russian language sufficiently to study in their chosen specialty are enrolled in the preparatory faculty. During the year, they study the Russian language, as well as several general education disciplines (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc.) depending on the chosen specialty. If they successfully pass the final exams, applicants receive the right to continue their studies in their chosen specialty. If the exams are not passed, the student loses the right to free education in Russia.

  6. A medical certificate of the established form confirming the absence of contraindications for studying in the Russian Federation with the results of an HIV test; Copies of documents certified by a notary and translated into Russian.

    Enter documents into electronic form yourself or transfer them in paper form to a single operator.

    Applicants' data is sent to the central office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Moscow, and from there it goes to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, whose employees upload it into the information database. Applicants receive a registration number by email to access the Russia-edu.ru information system to track the status of their application.

  7. A representative of the single operator in your country will provide the information, and he will also give detailed instructions on further actions.*

    Applicants applying for training in the areas of training “Art and Culture”, in some cases, need to pass additional entrance creative tests directly at educational organizations. Then the selected candidate must come to them on a tourist visa, the question of his enrollment will be decided after a creative competition.

For all questions related to receiving a state scholarship, please contact the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in your country (“Appendix 1.pdf”) or the university of your choice. Regarding the operation of the Russia-edu.ru information system, write to technical support (via the feedback form on the website) or call +7 (495) 134-28-70.

If you are not applying for a scholarship or for some reason did not receive one through Rossotrudnichestvo, but want to study in Russia on a contract basis, paying for your studies, apply to the university directly through our personal account. Sending, processing applications and all consultations from university staff (about the admission procedure, preparing documents, obtaining a visa, etc.) are free for you.

Scholarships from private organizations

Scholarship Tinkoff

The Tinkoff scholarship program is one of the largest non-governmental scholarships in Russia.

Full-time undergraduate, specialist and master's students of any Russian university, regardless of citizenship, can apply for the scholarship.

Scholarship Sberbank

The Tinkoff scholarship program is one of the largest non-governmental scholarships in Russia.

Full-time undergraduate, specialist and master's students of any Russian university, regardless of citizenship, can apply for the scholarship.

Scholarship Rosselkhozbank

The Tinkoff scholarship program is one of the largest non-governmental scholarships in Russia.

Full-time undergraduate, specialist and master's students of any Russian university, regardless of citizenship, can apply for the scholarship.

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